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Business Structures

Choosing a business structure for your company is one of the most crucial first steps to starting a business. Your business entity type has legal, financial, and administrative implications, so it’s important you get started with the best entity for your situation.

Limited Liability Company

The LLC structure combines the advantages of a corporation and those of a Partnership or Sole Proprietorship. It can be a single-member LLC or a multiple-member LLC. Forming your business as an LLC limits member (owner) liability while requiring less paperwork…

S Corporation

The S Corporation is a subtype of the corporation structure. It allows a C Corporation to elect to be taxed as a Partnership, with all business income taxed at the owner (shareholder) level at the tax rate for individuals. This avoids the double taxation that corporations normally face…

C Corporation

The Corporation is a legal entity separate from its owners, and it provides a significant degree of personal liability protection for its owners (shareholders). Ownership is through holding stock in the company, which may be held privately or publicly…

Nonprofit Corporation

A Nonprofit Corporation is created to fulfill a civic, religious, educational, or charitable goal. Nonprofits are tax exempt, and as such do not pay income tax. They may also be eligible to accept donations.
Forming a Nonprofit can be a complicated and lengthy process…

Professional Corporation

Some states require that business owners in certain professions form their companies as a Professional Corporation (also known as a “Professional Service Corporation”). This is a limited liability type of corporation in which all owners (shareholders) hold a professional license.
Note that a Professional Corporation does not shield the professional who commits malpractice…

Existing Clients

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Manager Managed

  1. Popular where 1 or more of the owners will act as “Passive” investors
  2. Some owners may be “Passive” while others may be designated as “Managers”
  3. Some owners may be designated as Managers, some “non-owners” may be designated as managers, or any combination thereof may be designated.

Member Managed

  1. The most popular structure for LLCs with 1 or more owners.
  2. ALL Owners have control over the daily operations of the business.
  3. The owners have authority to bind the LLC by signing for a loan, negotiating and executing contracts, and managing other daily operations of the business.