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Tailored for business owners aiming to refine their skills and strategies for growth.

“Fortune befriends the bold.”

– Emily Dickinson.

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“Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat.”

– Malcolm S. Forbes

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All our dreams can come true; if we have the courage to pursue them.

– Walt Disney

Insights and Tips from Our Blog

Explore our latest articles for deeper insights and practical advice on entrepreneurship.

LLC Frequently Asked Questions: Answers for Aspiring Business Owners

LLC FAQs: Get answers on registered agents, operating agreements, business credit, payments, and more. Launch My Biz offers free registered agent service for LLC formation.

The 3 Essential Documents for an LLC: A Beginner's Guide

The essential documents for an LLC include the Articles of Organization, Operating Agreement, and EIN, ensuring a legally compliant and well-structured business.

Stop the Stress and Overwhelm: Simplify Your Approach to Starting a Successful Business with These 5 Fundamentals

Starting a business can be an intimidating task. There are countless things to consider, and it can be overwhelming to know where to…

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Manager Managed

  1. Popular where 1 or more of the owners will act as “Passive” investors
  2. Some owners may be “Passive” while others may be designated as “Managers”
  3. Some owners may be designated as Managers, some “non-owners” may be designated as managers, or any combination thereof may be designated.

Member Managed

  1. The most popular structure for LLCs with 1 or more owners.
  2. ALL Owners have control over the daily operations of the business.
  3. The owners have authority to bind the LLC by signing for a loan, negotiating and executing contracts, and managing other daily operations of the business.