Determine If Your Business Idea Can Be Successful With This Free Guide.

Are you thinking about starting a business? Not sure where to begin or what you need to do to ensure success? Well, we have some answers for you.

The Time Is Now For Black Business Formations To Explode!

Start your business now with the Launch System. Our streamlined process quickly establishes your legal entity and obtains an EIN number. Our user-friendly platform ensures a fast and easy start. Turn your vision into a reality today!

Existing Clients

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Manager Managed

  1. Popular where 1 or more of the owners will act as “Passive” investors
  2. Some owners may be “Passive” while others may be designated as “Managers”
  3. Some owners may be designated as Managers, some “non-owners” may be designated as managers, or any combination thereof may be designated.

Member Managed

  1. The most popular structure for LLCs with 1 or more owners.
  2. ALL Owners have control over the daily operations of the business.
  3. The owners have authority to bind the LLC by signing for a loan, negotiating and executing contracts, and managing other daily operations of the business.